Mission & Beliefs
At Freedom Point, our philosophy of ministry stems from the forgiveness and acceptance we have received from God, through our relationship with Jesus Christ.
In spite of the fact that we are imperfect and often broken people, God reached down to us and met us where we were, offering forgiveness, acceptance, and the opportunity for a new life through Jesus.
With God’s help our goal is to make Freedom Point a church where we offer that same unconditional acceptance, a place where anyone can come just as they are and see what a difference Jesus can make in imperfect people’s lives. So at Freedom Point, we don’t care how you’re dressed, if you know the words to the right songs, if you carry the right Bible, or if you carry a Bible at all. We’re not worried about your past, what you did last week or even last night. We want to help you with your present and give you hope for the future.
Jesus has done that for us. He has forgiven us, accepted us, and given us the understanding and the strength we need to change our lives in ways that have brought us freedom from so many things. Our philosophy of ministry is simple. Just come as you are, meet Jesus for yourself, and take him up on his offer, and if you do, you will never be the same.
Freedom is something that we all highly value.
We long for freedom from stress, worry, fear and our own inadequacies; in our minds freedom equals happiness. But for most of us that kind of freedom can seem impossible to find. At Freedom Point we believe that there is a point where freedom can be found. It’s not in a lifestyle or a religious experience; it’s not in a self help book or a government document.
True freedom is not found in a place or a thing, it’s found in a person, Jesus Christ. At Freedom Point our desire is to help everyone find true freedom.