FEC Affiliation
Freedom Point Church is a member of the FEC Conference
From the FEC Website:
Welcome to the Fellowship of Evangelical Churches
By the grace of God, churches within the FEC conference intentionally expand the visible body of Christ both nationally and internationally. We embrace a common vision to reach the unchurched and trust the Holy Spirit to breathe a fresh wind of spiritual vitality through our local bodies of believers. To this end, we dedicate ourselves to our Lord Jesus Christ and to growth, obedience and any change that results from our commitment.
We dedicate ourselves to birthing churches nationally.
We dedicate ourselves to expanding international ministries
We dedicate ourselves to serving our church leaders
We dedicate ourselves to teaching the Bible for spiritual maturity and for equipping people for ministry.
We dedicate ourselves to structuring for efficiency.
The FEC Conference has a strong evangelical commitment and mission to propagate the Gospel nationally and internationally.
Today more than 60 U.S. Churches including Church Plants are carrying out this mission within their local congregations, International Ministries, and Church Planting. The conference office is located in Fort Wayne, Indiana and serves its constituency by supporting cooperative efforts to design to enhance and assist local church ministries. The conference is organized under a congregational form of government. Delegates representing their local church form a delegate body that elects conference leadership, affirms the vision and direction of the conference and approves necessary funding.
FEC Headquarters - Fort Wayne, Indiana