Location & Meeting Times
212 Main St B, Garden City, MO 64747
Phone: 816-862-8600
Email: freedompointchurch@gmail.com
Services: Sunday at 10:30 AM
Children’s Church: preschool through 6th grade are welcome to join the KidPoint kids during service.
Nursery: available for children not yet in preschool.
Prayer is so important, and there is so much to pray about! Our words don’t have to be fancy, our lives don’t have to be perfect, and we don’t even have to know exactly what to pray - because the God of all creation hears us because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.
Prayer Meeting Sunday Morning @ 930a
Join us for a meal, for friendship, and life changing testimonies and discussion. Freedom from our hurts, habits, and hangups is possible because of Jesus.
Celebrate Recovery Thursdays @ 630p
Teens in 6th-12th grades can come for study, worship, and snacks. Focusing on the real-life application of the scriptures and the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives, you just never know what hilarious, challenging, and bravely honest things leaders Emily & Dustin will bring.